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What is the purpose of senior pictures?

Senior year of high school marks a lot of milestones for the average young person... Taking senior portraits is the perfect way to commemorate all that they've done so far in their life, and a way to celebrate all the things the future has in store.

Students are photographed in traditional Tuxedo, Black drape with rose and Cap and Gown. School will determine which photographs will be in the yearbook. 

About Senior Portraits

The senior year is a momentous time in any student's life. It represents the culmination of many years of hard work. Yet it is not an end but a beginning. A starting point for the rest of one's life. Capture the significance of this special time with our customized Senior Portraits.​

Formal & Close Up

Professional portraits focus the attention on the face. Choosing the clothing is an important key in achieving the best portrait. Clothing should be simple in color and style. Avoid whites and pastel colors, these tend to create a look that makes the face appear pale or washed out. Medium to darker shades will draw attention to the face. Long sleeves should be worn (if possible) to keep the focus on the face and not the arms. Spaghetti straps and tops that show bare arms and shoulders tend to create a heavier look and draw attention away from the face.

Casual & Contemporary Hollywood Portraits

This style of portrait allows a larger variety of clothing styles and colors. Many of these will be a full body pose so be sure to complete your look with shoes and accessories that compliment your outfit. Choose clothing that represents your unique style and personality. Whites and pastels create a soft look while blacks and dark colors will create a more dramatic look. Some ideas are: casual jeans or shorts, a favorite jacket, sports or cheerleading uniforms, a prom dress or suit.

Props & Accessories

Bring along your favorite props. Musical instruments, sports equipment, uniforms (sports, band, cheerleading, etc.), Remember to check all of your details, manicures, facial hair and accessories such as earrings, necklaces, belts, ties, shoes, and class rings. Be creative and have fun!

*Pick your styles: Make a list of who you'll be giving portraits to, and think about how you want those portraits to look. Do you want to do something creative for friends, and then something more traditional for family? It's totally up to you.

*Plan your outfits: A couple of weeks before your session, start pulling together different outfits and choose accessories that show what you're all about.

*Bring props: If you're an athlete, musician, or involved in other activities or hobbies, are there props you'd like to include in your portraits?

*Be yourself: Be true to the real you, and plan on having a great time!

Senior Pricing>

Senior Portraits

Senior Yearbook Poses

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